GLENDELL CONTINUED OPERATIONS GLENCORE Project Information Session for the Glendell Continued Operations Project All members of the community are invited to attend a community information session on the Glendell Continued Operations Project. These sessions will: Provide further detail on the Project Give people the opportunity to meet and talk to members of the Project team Provide an overview of the Government assessment process Allow for discussion of community issues. People may attend at any time during the session. Come and find us at: Singleton Youth Venue Cnr Bathurst & Pitt Street, Singleton Broke Hall Cnr Howe & Adair Street, Broke 18 September 2019, 2:30pm to 5:30pm 19 September 2019, 4pm to 6pm 21 September 2019,9am to 12noon For further information please contact our Glendell Continued Operations Project team on 0428 466 820. GLENDELL CONTINUED OPERATIONS GLENCORE Project Information Session for the Glendell Continued Operations Project All members of the community are invited to attend a community information session on the Glendell Continued Operations Project. These sessions will: Provide further detail on the Project Give people the opportunity to meet and talk to members of the Project team Provide an overview of the Government assessment process Allow for discussion of community issues. People may attend at any time during the session. Come and find us at: Singleton Youth Venue Cnr Bathurst & Pitt Street, Singleton Broke Hall Cnr Howe & Adair Street, Broke 18 September 2019, 2:30pm to 5:30pm 19 September 2019, 4pm to 6pm 21 September 2019,9am to 12noon For further information please contact our Glendell Continued Operations Project team on 0428 466 820.