NSW Minerals Council - Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue



Many communities ​in the Hunter Valley ​have been built around the economic activity generated by mining, which continues to be a big part of the Hunter's economy, injecting ​ $6 billion in wages and payments to local businesses​ each year​. The growth of mining in the Upper Hunter resulted in economic growth but also brought with it some challenges and impacts for the local community. The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue (the Dialogue) was established in 2011 by the region’s miners in response to community concerns about infrastructure and services, mine rehabilitation, water and quality. The Dialogue ​brings together local miners, community and business leaders, environment groups, residents, regulators and other industries​ to better understand and address these challenges together​.​ ​The Dialogue is a collaborative effort addressing local community priorities by understanding its concerns and then working together to develop and implement solutions.

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